Serial Entrepreneur & Angel Investor


Mark is a serial entrepreneur, keynote speaker, board adviser and angel investor.

He combines deeply practical experience in B2C marketing, with e-commerce and innovation know-how to help businesses rapidly scale.

He has won numerous awards including Great British Entrepreneur of the Year (Small Business), and Business Person of the Year (SME National Business Awards).

He is an experienced Board Chair (Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership), Trustee, Non-Exec Director and Investor in start-ups committed to sustainability.

  • As an Entrepreneur

    Mark co-founded Beer Hawk (exited to AB InBev), an e-commerce venture which he scaled from two mates in a shed, to a thriving business with over £80m revenues and a team of over 200 beery enthusiasts.

  • As an Intrapreneur

    Mark launched PerfectDraft for AB InBev, before leading the global roll-out of this D2C in-home beer machine. He has previously led innovation teams at both Procter & Gamble and Lloyds Banking Group.

  • As a Board Adviser

    Mark advises numerous start-ups and notably Chaired the Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, responsible for local economic development for a city region housing 2.3m people and a £60 billion economy.

  • As an Angel Investor

    Mark has backed more than 10 start-ups, and provided ongoing mentoring for the founding teams on their growth journeys. He primarily invests in B2C companies with high ambition and a commitment to sustainability.

I’m open for speaking engagements, advisory roles. Please also check out my innovation company:
Red Line Foundry

The easiest way to connect is here: